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Warning System Applications:

Developed and Designed with our knowledge and experience in identifying technologies, our full range of Suraj Informatics applications will dramatically improve the safety of the construction site. Each of our application can function as a standalone system or as part of a combined solution.


Aircraft Damage Protection

In many environments equipment and vehicles are often required to operate around and in close proximity to high esteem resources, such as air ship on an airfields ramp.


Crossing Alert System

Pedestrian crossings on busy work sites provide a risk area for collisions among individuals and work site vehicles.


Vehicle Detection System

Suraj Informatics Vehicle Detection System is a long range vehicle to vehicle detection solution designed to give an early cautioning alarm to the driver when vehicles approach one another.


Walkway Alert System

Collisions can happen along walkways when people on foot can’t see traffic around corners, passageways or through entryways.


Safety Detection System

As more machines are integrated into the industrial facility automation and logistic automation processes, the need to guarantee safe techniques of individuals working with machines.


Vehicle to Person Alert

Accidental collisions among vehicles and people is one of the greatest concerns on a manufacture site as it remains a primary cause of fatal.

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