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For what reason would it be a good idea for you to think often about IoT protocols?

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For what reason would it be a good idea for you to think often about IoT protocols?

If you consider the key difference between an ordinary and an intelligent device then it is possible to talk to other devices later (regardless of this kind).


And each device’s interaction requires a medium, preferably a common language that could be understood in every device of the given IoT ecosystem.


This medium is supplied by IoT protocols. And these key benefits come from a standardized communication protocol:



  • Great quality and credence – Communication technologies that meet standards provide a high quality of service and compactness against intervention. Furthermore, the reliable and safe transfer of massive IoT sensor data at the edge is ensured.
  • The flexibility of interoperability and innovative technology – Standard protocols are flexible to be programmed with commodities such as gateways and chipsets and off-shelf hardware. Thus, supply solutions for multi-vendors help end-users prevent vendor lock-in risks.
  • Worldwide Scalability – Each scaling business wants to adopt global IoT connectivity. Standard communication protocols widely understood connectivity while minimizing the intricacy of the configuration.


In order to determine the costs and features of IoT solutions, IoT communications protocols play a leading role.





  • IoT Network Protocols – IoT network protocols have been designed for connection over the network of medium to high power devices. IoT network protocols enable network data communication.


Some of the popular IoT Network protocols are HTTP, LoRaWAN, Bluetooth, Zigbee.


  • IoT Data Protocols – In IoT data protocols low-power IoT devices have been designed to connect. They are able to provide end-to-end communication with the hardware without any internet access.


Connectivity can be made via a wired or cellular system via IoT data protocols.

The popular IoT data protocols include MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, XMPP.



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