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what is terminal automation system?

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what is terminal automation system?

Automation terminal software automates certain manual processes in the terminal, specifically around the authorization of loads, product movement, measurement, documentation, and reporting of the product (via multiple transport methods). Software flexibility and integration options include meter skids, weight scales, tank gauges, and security access control systems with other siloed systems and hardware. These systems frequently bridge the gap between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems (SCADA).



  • Process control is essential – Terminal automation systems often include a process control system which allows operators to communication and control orchestrated field instrument and devices and to use these devices for practical operation. Terminal automation systems are also referred to as process control systems. The control process is central to any terminal automation system, and the reliability of the entire system depends on the quality of the software code. 
  • Terminal data information to be fed – In business applications such as invoicing, inventory control, and auditing, terminal-level information are generally prepared. Highly configurable reports, including loading bills, operational monitoring and accounting, taxes, and compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are used for many purposes.
  • Terminal Operations Visualisation – Many terminal automation systems allow a visualization of terminal activity in real-time, which can be set up to match a device. Users will be able to view graphics from terminal overviews, specific bay loading or unloading, and current product location data.
  • Supply Chain Optimization – In addition, terminal automation systems can handle customer orders and it can enable position holders or inventory holders to plan their movements directly via the system. Terminal automation systems allow multiple transit methods, including truck, rail, barge, and pipeline to be integrated into terminal operations.


  • Open architectural terminal automation systemsTerminal automation systems typically provide pre-built connectors to popular field instruments for terminal data collection and also interface, as already indicated, with enterprise-level applications. Open-architecture terminal automation systems generate the highest ROI for bulk liquid storage companies as their data flows free of charge and quickly generates value as required in business applications.

About the Company

Suraj Informatics serves the bulk liquid storage market as a major source of terminal automation and corporate management software. The company assists terminal owners in automating their operations and maximizing the value of their assets (petroleum, chemical, renewable fuels, aviation, LNG, and LPG)


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