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Gate Automation OCR Portal System and Solution

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Gate Automation OCR Portal System and Solution


Today, most paperless associations and Suraj Informatics Optical character recognition or port better portal services are the perfect children to reduce paper costs and pave the way for digitization. Suraj Informatics delivers OCR port advantages by consolidating the latest image performance and performance.

Our group of OCR Gate Portal specialists link to the entire data-sets or choose parts of automated documents. With digitization, these soft copies can be stored, viewed, visited and edited by people or machines if necessary. In addition, these digitized data-sets can be used effectively in document management and hosting systems on websites.


Suraj Informatics OCR Technology has been marketed in dozens of terminals worldwide and has been acquired by various government programs and gatetions. All systems use state-of-the-art cameras, solid-state lighting and powerful OCR engines. These systems have consistently high reliability and overall accuracy of the OCR evidence.

The performance of an OCR module depends on a large part of the subsystem captured by the image. Imaging units must contain an optical and lighting solution to produce images of the identification number of the container of sufficient quality (focus, resolution, contrast and uniformity) in all industrial conditions and environmental conditions (sunlight, shine, night, adverse weather conditions and contaminated numbers).

Image caption the OCR

The system scans identification numbers while the truck is in motion, based on a number of sensors. It automatically runs on the lighting, taking pictures of some cameras, extracting identification numbers, classifying the container type, checking the results and then generating the results on a higher platform, such as our port automation and control system (PASS) or any local used conditions.


Gate OCR Portal System allows users to automatically identify ISO containers when transported through the truck via a controlled access point. The system also includes a truck license plate browser that still records images and videos to limit damage and optionally identifies dangerous goods. Suraj Informatics Gate OCR Portal Service is a cost effective and cost-effective time saving.

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