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Gate OCR

Gate OCR

Users can identify ISO containers when they are driven by vehicle through a secured entry point using Suraj Informatics’ Gate OCR technology. A truck license plate scanner, still and moving picture recording, and damage control video recording are other features of the system. A label is also offered for the aim of identifying harmful goods.

GateCCR provides a high level of accuracy and dependability in ISO code verification and damage imaging because of the utilization of cutting-edge IP cameras, megapixel sensors, complicated processing using neural networks, and other visual technologies.

The procedure uses technology rather than workers, which can help the business save time and money. Thanks to this technology, everything will go off without a hitch, and getting information on heavy equipment trucks will be straightforward. This technology can be set up atop terminal gates, eliminating the need for the company’s premises to include vast land parcels. A firm can employ Gate OCR’s characteristics and advantages listed below to gain great inner peace.

Suraj Informatics’ goal is to provide organizations with quick access to financial solutions. This company’s sole goal is to offer customers the best products and services possible while keeping its uniqueness and producing items at reasonable costs. The main goals of this organization are to improve customer service, change peoples’ perspectives, and provide them with opportunities for success. The management structure at this organization is the greatest, and the working environment is open. This business intends to have a bigger, more significant impact on the IT and telecom industries.


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